Plumbing Tips & Tricks

5 Tips for Perfect Plumbing

Home Plumbing Tips

Preventing plumbing problems begins with the home owner. Monitoring the condition of your pipes and plumbing, along with the performance of appliances and other equipment will save you big dollars in the long run. Check out this plumbing infographic for our top 5 tips!

The Skinny on Clearing Clogged Drains

Chances are at least once in your lifetime you’re going to be faced with a clogged drain. It happens. Whether it’s the shower drain, toilet, or kitchen sink, plumbing drains get clogged for one reason or another. Period. The good news is that for most run-of-the-mill clogs, you don’t have to spend a lot of …
plumbing checklist

Plumbing Maintenance Checklist for Homeowners

When it comes to home repairs, YouTube and other sources on the internet give plenty of step-by-step tips on how to replace a plumbing fixture or repair a leaky toilet. However, there are some repairs that are just better left to an OBX plumbing professional. Gremlins in your house? On the beach we’ve got year-round …
How to deal with rusty water

What to Do When you Encounter Rusty Water

Have you ever turned on your shower and were greeted with an unexpected stream of rust-colored water? We expect water coming from our tubs and faucets to be clean and clear, so why are you seeing rust-colored water? If the color and taste of your water has suddenly changed, then it could be possible that …

The Dangers of NOT Winterizing Your Home

The season has come to an end here on the Outer Banks, and for those of you with vacation homes and investment properties, now is the time to think about preparing your vacant home for the winter months [read more]
Piping materials and home blue print

When is Re-Piping Necessary?

During your daily tasks of cleaning, eating, cooking and bathing, you probably don’t think about how much you count on your plumbing system to work properly. There are a number of factors that affect the condition of your plumbing [read more]

How to Get the Most Out of Your Tankless Water Heater

If you’re shopping around for a new water heater, tankless systems are a wise choice for those looking for savings and longevity [read more]
OBX Plumbing Experts Share 5 Things You Shouldn't Flush

5 Things You Should Never Flush Down the Toilet

Are you a flushing offender? Do you play by the public bathroom rules or do you ignore the signs? The signs that kindly ask us NOT to flush certain products down the toilet. Just because it goes down the drain, doesn’t mean it is meant to be. Constant use, paired with short water supply and …
Garbage Disposal Tips and Tricks

If Your Garbage Disposal Could Talk

Whoever invented the garbage disposal was a genius, am I right? It simplifies our lives and provides an easy way to dispose of food scraps. The problem is, not everything should be put down a garbage disposal. If a garbage disposal isn’t used properly, the chances are pretty good that it will break down or …
Spring Action Plumbing on the OBX

Is your home ready for spring?

Whether your home is a year-round delight, vacation rental or your very own slice of paradise in the summer, you want to be ahead of the game when it comes to preparing your home for the warmer months. Similar to spring cleaning, spring is the best time to give your home a quick once-over to …
Installation of a septic tank and drain field.

All About Septic Tanks

“Private Sewage” means you have your own septic or sewage system. Essentially a septic tank is a large concrete vault that measures 8’x4’x4′. It is normally buried 4″ to 24″ below the surface of the ground. The tank is divided into two chambers which performs a separation of solids from liquids. Water or effluent enters …
Saving water and energy.

Tips for Saving Energy and Water

There are various ways to conserve energy and water around your home. Take a look at some of our top tips: Low volume toilets: An average toilet is used 6 times a day; using water saver toilets can save up to 13 gallons a day verses units installed before 1994. A leaking or “running toilet” …