6 Simple Ways to Improve Water Efficiency in your Home

Did you know?

On average, a household could lose more than 10,000 gallons of water in one year due to leaks.  It’s difficult to visualize how much that might equate to, but it certainly sounds like a lot!  Based on statistics from the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), this amount of water is equivalent to 280 loads of laundry or about 600 showers. An innocent leak can add up very quickly and cost you hundreds of dollars each year.

Discovering Leaks

Most leaks are not too difficult to find if you know where to look.  Your toilet, for example, can waste over 6,000 gallons per month (that’s about 72,000 gallons of water per year).  You can perform a DIY dye test to check for toilet leaks, or contact your friendly local plumber for assistance in evaluating the condition of the mechanics of the toilets in your home.

For sinks and showers, leaks are typically easy to spot.  Look for dripping faucets and shower-heads. If your fixtures are dated, chances are you simply have washers that need to be replaced.  Be sure to check under sinks for wet areas, water stains or mold, which will indicate a leaky pipe. Moisture around shower-heads and bathtubs is also an indicator of a leak that will require further investigation.

Maintaining a Water-Efficient Home

We can all do our part if we take care of the plumbing system in our home and be diligent in practicing water conservation.  Having a water-efficient home keeps water use to a minimum, conserves energy and can reduce your water and sewer bills.  According to the EPA, the average householder uses about 100 gallons of water per day.  Of course, that number will vary depending on several factors:

  • Size of home / property
  • # of water-efficient appliances and fixtures
  • # of people living in the home
  • Landscape water needs
  • Presence of a swimming pool
  • Instances of indoor or outdoor leaks

Here are some simple tips to begin creating greater water efficiency in your home or rental property:

  • Install low-flow toilets (uses less than 1.6 gallons of water per flush)
  • Install low-flow faucets and shower-heads (shower head flow rate < 2.5 gal/minute)
  • Reduce irrigation; plant drought resistant grass, water early in the morning, use soaker hoses
  • Choose the car wash. Self-serve car washes use an average of 11 gal of water, vs. a 10-min wash at home which can use as much as 100 gallons!
  • Use your dishwasher – it can save 5,000 gallons of water and 230 hours of time every year!

Interested in learning more about becoming more water efficient and maintaining water pipes and fixtures in your home?

Contact Action Plumbing to discuss your concerns and we will recommend a home plumbing inspection to ensure your water system is working efficiently and make suggestions regarding your appliances and fixtures to bring your home up to satisfactory water-efficient standards.